

Infoblox İleri Düzey Network Çözümleri

Genel Özellikler
Teknik Spesifikasyonlar
Markalar ve Modeller

Genel Özellikler

Network landscapes are rapidly evolving, driven by trends in security, virtualization, cloud, IPv6 adoption, and the Internet of Things (IoT). These modern demands require advanced solutions for managing critical network services in physical, virtual, and cloud environments.

Infoblox’s industry leading integrated, centrally managed approach to delivering enterprise-grade DNS, DHCP, and IP address management (DDI) supports current and evolving IT needs while providing the highest standards for security, service uptime, and operational efficiencies.

In addition to core network services (DDI) solutions – Infoblox also offers a complementary, powerful network automation platform which enables discovery, switch port management, network change configuration and compliance management for multi-vendor network devices.

Automation cuts down administrator workload and reduces risk of network outages due to improper configurations or changes.

Teknik Spesifikasyonlar

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